Tell us if you are doing this project in your school, community, or organization!  We want to hear from you!  Post it here!
Do you know how to crochet?  Would you be interested in making beds for the homeless?  We need you.  Please contact us if you would like to obtain crochet balls to be a part of this growing outreach.
5:00 a.m. and I was awaken by the brisk cold air.  I couldn't get warm in my normally cozy bed because our furnace had gone out.  My daughter crawled in bed stating how cold it is which sparked conversation about what the homeless must go through.   Thank you, God, for this little reminder!
This Bags for Beds session was a success with 70 people that showed up to be the hands and feet of God!  Thank you.
The next Bags for Beds session to create crochet balls will be 12/6/10 at Connection Pointe Christian Church, Brownsburg, Indiana.  Will you be there?